Services > Safety & Health
Emergency Preparedness
Our objective is to help citizens prepare for emergencies of all types, in order to respond in time of crisis to save lives and property. Our staff communicates useful resources which aid the public in being aware of the risks our parish faces and knowing how to respond to an emergency situation, thereby greatly reducing the threat of injury. We also provide brochures and information published by government agencies pertaining to emergency preparedness. We judiciously plan, assign and coordinate all available resources in an integrated program of prevention, mitigation, response, preparedness, and recovery for emergencies of any kind, whether from man-made or natural sources or enemy attack.
In time of emergency, the Iberville Parish Government Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) will initiate practical response programs for the protection of life and property; Coordinate and direct all disaster services; Direct restoration and recovery operations in the disaster area subject to governmental authority; Take immediate action to direct, mobilize, coordinate and determine utilization of local resources; Support political subdivision in disaster operations to save lives, protect property, relieve human suffering, sustain survivors, and repair essential facilities.

Dept. Director
(225) 687-5140
Additional Info
The Parish President, under the authority of the Louisiana Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act of 1993, Section 721-736, and the various ordinances enacted by the Iberville Parish Council, has the responsibility for meeting the dangers of the parish. This authority includes, but is not limited to the declaration of an emergency condition within the political jurisdiction, to insure the safety and well-being of every citizen is being provided for.
- Emergency Alert System is a network of broadcast stations and interconnected facilities that have been authored by the Federal Communications Commission to operate in a controlled manner during a war, state of public peril or disaster, or other national emergency as provided by the EAS Plan.
- Emergency Operations Center is the site from which civil government officials exercise direction and control in an emergency.
- Emergency Operation Plan is a brief, clear and concise document that describes action to be taken and provides instructions to all individuals and local government services, and states what will be done in the event of an anticipated emergency. The plan will state the method or scheme for taking coordinated action to meet the needs of the situation. It will state what action is to be taken, when and where it is to take place, and who is responsible, based on pre-determined assumptions, objectives, and capabilities.
- Emergency Public Information is disseminated before, during and/or after an emergency designed to instruct and transmit direct orders to the public via the news media.
- The Office of Emergency Preparedness, in coordination with the Iberville Parish Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the Iberville Community Awareness Emergency Response (I-CAER) Committee, is represented throughout the year at health fairs, schools, civil group meetings, community advisory panels, church groups and agency safety meetings. A variety of safety and emergency information is provided to the public at these events.
- Evacuation Control Procedures are plans made by various services to outline their duties and to ensure the orderly movement of people during the evacuation period.
If you would like to register your cell phone to your address, for 911 and for emergency notifications, complete the Online Alert Registration form or call (225) 687-5140.
Iberville Parish Homeland Security/E-911 utilizes EveryBridge Emergency Notification to deliver recorded telephone messages. Since many people no longer have home phones, it has become increasingly difficult to notify the public during emergencies. Registering your cell phone to your address will ensure you receive our emergency notifications when your address is within an area affected by an emergency. This database is strictly confidential and will not be made available to any other vendors!
If you or someone living in your residence has special needs please complete the Emergency Assistance Form or call the department at (225) 687-5140 to be added to our confidential database. Doing so assures emergency responders know of any and all special needs within our community.
Iberville-Community Awareness Emergency Response Committee (I-CAER) has been organized to assure emergency preparedness and to foster community right-to-know. Member organizations are comprised of Iberville Parish industry groups that are involved in manufacturing hazardous materials. I-CAER funds a variety of emergency preparedness projects, such as Safety Town, sirens and guidebooks, and make recommendations to the Iberville Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). Associate membership, when requested, is granted to companies involved in the storage or transportation of hazardous materials.
Each year I-CAER, LEPC and the Office of Emergency Preparedness participate in public education projects to keep citizens informed of the emergency broadcast systems in place and what to do in the event of an emergency.
Outdoor Warning Sirens: The parish has 28 outdoor warning sirens located throughout the parish. In an emergency that poses a threat to the health or public safety, the sirens will activate with a continuous wail. You should shelter in place and tune into cable television for further instructions.
Telephone Ringdown System: During an emergency, the Office of Emergency Preparedness may activate the computerized telephone ringdown system. The system will automatically dial the phones of homes and businesses within the affected area. If you should receive such a call, a recorded message will identify the emergency and tell you what to do. Follow the phone instructions. When the danger is over, an “all clear” message will be given to you over this system. Avoid unnecessary phone use during an emergency.
Cable Override System: The Office of Emergency Preparedness will broadcast an emergency message over cable television. Every resident with cable service will hear the message on any station. Residents should follow instructions given over the television.
Tone Alert System: The Office of Emergency Preparedness will provide emergency information to the school board office, correctional institutions, and nursing homes over a tone alert box located at each facility. Personnel in charge at each institution should follow instructions given over the tone alert system.
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD): Allows operators to log all 911 calls received. An integrated digitized map allows the operator to single out the location of the caller. Also, information from our special needs emergency assistance database is automatically displayed to the operator.
911 service fees for Iberville Parish District are authorized by Ordinance Number 21-2104 of Chapter 21, Section 204 of Parish Ordinance on Communication.
Acting under the virtue of the authority vested in the police jury by the laws of this state, including, but not limited to R.S. 33:9131.5 of the police jury hereby enacts the following:
Service suppliers as defined by Louisiana Revised Statute 33:9131.5 are hereby authorized by the police jury to start charging the five percent (5%) service charge effective November 1, 1997. The five percent (5%) service charge shall be assessed against all service suppliers at the highest tariff rate within the district. This service charge shall be remitted to the police jury to be deposited in a special account to pay the expenses of the communication district. The current rates are 85¢ for residential lines, and $1.76 for business lines.
Resolution IPC #149-99: This Resolution authorizes notification to Wireless service providers that Iberville Parish Communications District desires the implementation of Enhanced 911 services as contained in rulings issued by the Federal Communications Commission.
The clause listed in Resolution IPC #149-99 referencing the fee reads as – WHEREAS, the Communications District and wireless service providers shall implement and complete the enhanced E-911 service for wireless users within one (1) year of the commencement of collection of said charges from all applicable wireless users as authorized under the provisions of Louisiana law, and previously approved by this governing body and not to exceed the rate of $1.25 per wireless unit.
Below are links and guides to aid you in preparing for and/or dealing with the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Department Address:
59805 Bayou Road
Plaquemine, LA 70764
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 324
Plaquemine, LA 70765
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.