Government > Structure
Parish Council
The President-Council form of government was provided by the Home Rule Charter, which was adopted by Iberville Parish voters on October 31, 1997.
The Iberville Parish Government, under the Home Rule Charter, consists of an elected President, who shall be the chief executive officer and head of the executive branch; and an elected Council, which shall be called the Iberville Parish Council and shall constitute the legislative branch of the government.
The Parish Council shall have the right, power and authority to pass all ordinances requisite or necessary to promote, protect and preserve the general welfare, safety, health, peace and good order of the parish, including, but not by way of limitation, the right, power and authority to pass ordinances on all subject matters necessary, requisite or proper for the management and supervision of its affairs, and all other subject matter without exception, subject only to limitation that the same shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution of the State of Louisiana or expressly denied by state general law applicable to Parish Government.

Council Chairman
Steve "Pine"
(225) 776-1519

Council Vice Chairman
Raheem T.
(225) 776-6233

Council Clerk
Macy W.
(225) 687-5190
(225) 687-5277
Additional Info
The legislative power of the Parish Government shall be vested in the Council consisting of thirteen (13) members elected from single member districts who shall be elected for four (4) year terms, one from and by the qualified electors in each district as defined in the section “Election of Officials”, which is a part of the Home Rule Charter.
Iberville Parish Council Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Courthouse Building, 58050 Meriam Street, Plaquemine, LA 70764.
To find additional agendas, visit the Archives Page.
To find additional minutes, visit the Archives Page.
To find additional Public Notices, visit the Archives Page.
Videos from past Parish Council meetings can viewed in our Archives Library here.
To view an interactive map of Iberville Parish Voting Precincts and Polling Locations, click here.